Join us at GITA Phoenix 2018
Feb 24, 2018   |  Views : 2425

March 5-6 at the Phoenix Convention Center is the place to be for the GITA Phoenix Conference + CGA 811 Excavation Safety Conference & Expo. Meemim vGIS will be there to talk about the technologies that are expected to define the future of GIS and damage prevention.

We are ready to meet with GIS professionals like you to demo Meemim’s vGIS, a holographic Mixed Reality GIS application that lets you “see” underground utility infrastructure as you work at the job site or running a planning session at the office.

As a backgrounder, here’s the Esri ArcNews Magazine article on Toms River.

To arrange a meeting, please email us to set a mutually convenient time.

Here’s the link to register for the event: March 5-6 at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix AZ



Photo credit: Jerry Ferguson

vGIS Team
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