vGIS at Esri UC 2020
Jun 18, 2020   |  Views : 3378

Esri UC is just a few weeks away!

As a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis, Esri is making the decision to move the 2020 Esri User Conference from San Diego to a virtual format.

From Esri president Jack Dangermond:

While we can’t replicate the same experience of being together in person, we will do our best to create an amazing event that will continue to move you and our community forward. My sense is that this experience will help us all learn even more about what makes GIS and our work so special.

The virtual event will be complimentary.

To attend virtually, you must first register for the event. Once registered, the Plenary Session will be available for all to watch; however, full conference access will only be available for Esri users who currently have a maintenance plan or subscription.

If you already registered for Esri UC, your registration will automatically transfer, and you will have full access to the virtual conference. Registration fees will be refunded. No additional action will be required. We will be in touch soon with more information about the event details.

vGIS will be there!

vGIS will be there! Don’t miss our demo sessions, live chat, product announcements and personalized demo opportunities!

We are also happy to schedule a private session with you and your team. To arrange a meeting, please email us to set a mutually convenient time.

#ar #arcgis #esriuc #esriuc2020 #esri #augmentedreality #utilities #visualization #virtualreality #vr #hololens #microsoft

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